Sunday, January 22, 2017 by Mike Adams
(Natural News) It’s time to stop the left-wing media’s incessant “fake news” lying and its deliberate acts of “journo-terrorism” that seek to undermine America. Here are 10 fantastic ideas for the Trump administration to de-legitimize the lying left-wing media while promoting the independent media and all the whistle blowers inside federal agencies who are ready to go public.
America cannot flourish if the national psyche is being incessantly assaulted by a malicious left-wing media intent on destroying the Republic. Here are ten powerful ways to win the war against anti-American forces inside the media and defend the Republic against domestic enemies:
#1) Banish the left-wing media from the White House Press Corps. Why give them a seat at the table when all they do is LIE all the time? Send a powerful message that says, “If you deliberately FAKE the news, you don’t get to ask questions any longer.” America cheered when Donald Trump called CNN “fake news” at that recent press conference. (See more examples of mainstream media fake news at MediaFactWatch.com)
#2) Halt all interviews with the lying left-wing media. Why appear on their shows and bring them credibility when they’re determined to misrepresent the truth? Announce a new policy that says no member of the Trump administration will lend any further credence to systemic “fake news offenders” who are guilty of deliberately and maliciously spreading fake news. That list, of course, would include CNN, WashPost, HuffPost, NYT, MSNBC The Atlantic and a long list of other repeat offenders who routinely engage in journalistic malpractice. The Trump administration could even have a “three strikes and you’re out” policy where fake news purveyors are warned three times, then banished for a full year if they keep lying.
#3) Unleash anti-trust investigations into the mainstream media’s corporate monopolies. The entire mainstream media is run by just six or seven powerful, monopolistic corporations that almost all answer to the same globalists. I have firsthand knowledge of the fact that nearly every major media organization actively takes orders from a single source that tells them exactly what to print or say each day. There is no “diversity” in the mainstream media. It’s all a “news cartel” and it needs to be broken apart under anti-trust action.
#4) Invite the independent media to press conferences. The real media “of the People” is the independent media. We are the voices of truth, reason and credibility in America now. We are, in fact, the only ones who will report the truth about the Trump administration’s decisions and policies. (See Trump.news for examples.)
#5) Start rewarding whistle blowers inside the federal government who expose the corruption and criminality of agencies like the EPA, FDA, CDC, USDA and so on. A deep-rooted cesspool of statism and liberalism festers inside each of these agencies. If the White House rewarded whistle blowers — instead of having them arrested and imprisoned like Obama did — thousands of them would come forward to expose the incredible dereliction of duty that’s now commonplace inside these failed agencies. Even better, connect these whistle blowers exclusively with the independent media so that the indy media can be the first to break these stories. Only in the indy media will whistle blowers be allowed to tell their real stories. (Case in point: I’ve just completed a video interview with a science whistle blower from the EPA, and his revelations are so damning that they would be censored by any typical media outlet.) There are many amazing journalists ready to cover these stories, including Glenn Greenwald, Sharyl Attkisson, Ben Swann, Melissa Dykes, Jon Rappoport, Robert Scott Bell, Mike Adams (that’s me), Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, Mac Slavo and a long list of others.
See Censored.news for some of the most heavily censored websites on the ‘net (which means these sites are truly independent media).
#6) Hold live press conferences with the American people, where citizens can ask questions in real time. Bypass the dishonest left-wing media. Talk directly to the American people. This will de-legitimize CNN and the “fake news” media by making them largely irrelevant.
#7) Remove all CNN broadcasts from federally-funded airports across the nation. Why should taxpayers fund airports that broadcast fake news propaganda from CNN? By the way, without airports forcibly shoving CNN propaganda down the throats of viewers, CNN would hardly have any real audience at all. Most people who watch CNN, it turns out, do so unintentionally.
#8) Document the lies and distortions of the Obama regime. America needs an official report that covers all the outright lies of the Obama years, including lies about unemployment figures, lies about the national debt, lies about Iran and so on. Before we can move forward, we need to make sure the nation knows the truth about the malicious acts of Barack Obama, a person who actively sought to undermine America’s values, culture and economy.
#9) Announce a White House “fact-checking” organization to fact check the lies of the left-wing media (and its own lying fact-checkers who are really propaganda liars). Launch a new site called Factcheck.Whitehouse.gov (or something similar) and start calling out the fake news of the left-wing media. Better yet, ask me about how to run it and use Whitehouse.news, a domain name we already own and would be glad to donate to the cause. Because Whitehouse.news is a private domain name, it would survive any future changes in administrations. (We also run Trump.news.) For the record, my own company personally developed and runs the world’s most advanced multi-site “hack resistant” publishing technology that’s virtually immune to DDoS and hacking attacks. That’s why we already operate over 100 publishing websites with automatic content syndication while none of them run active code (meaning they are extremely difficult to hack or harm via DDoS attacks).
#10) Support the House Un-American Activities Committee investigations in communist influences that have infested the left-wing media. This idea comes from radio host Michael Savage who correctly points out that laws are already on the books to investigate and prosecute communists who actively seek to undermine America. Sounds like something that needs to be applied to Chris Cuomo at CNN, doesn’t it? (Seriously, we have to root out the communists who currently control much of the corporate media. They are a very real threat to the Republic and they are deliberately seeking to undermine America and replace it with a communist dictatorship. See the details from former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov who described the entire plan of subversion to undermine and overthrow America.)
Stay informed about all this at Trump.news, MediaFactWatch.com and NewsTarget.com.
Here’s my own 10-point plan to help Make America Great Again:
Tagged Under: Tags: fake news, Kellyanne Conway, left-wing media, Media Lies, President Trump, propaganda, White House, White House Press Corps