Monday, November 15, 2021 by Ramon Tomey
Sheriff Richard Mack and Sam Bushman touched on the findings of Racine County, Wisconsin Sheriff Christopher Schmaling on “The Sheriff Mack Show.” During the Brighteon.TV program’s Nov. 9 episode, the two agreed that Schmaling’s discovery of election fraud is purely objective and devoid of any politics.
Schmaling made headlines after he revealed that Wisconsin election officials facilitated voter fraud at nursing homes. The Wisconsin Elections Commission (WEC) said care home residents could vote in the 2020 elections without the need for special voting deputies (SVDs) to oversee the procedure. In the absence of SVDs, nursing home staff filled out residents’ ballots in favor of President Joe Biden.
Sgt. Michael Luell, who served as Schmaling’s deputy, was assigned to look into the alleged voter fraud in nursing homes. He said 42 residents of a certain nursing home in Racine County cast a ballot – more than four-fold increase over the average of 10 residents doing so. Luell continued that the families of eight voters filed complaints alleging their relatives were not in an appropriate mental state to cast ballots.
Mack pointed out that the Racine County sheriff “has been making international news” since turning in his police report that detailed evidence against five WEC commissioners. “He has requested criminal charges … to the county attorney or district attorney.” (Related: Wisconsin sheriff accuses state election commission of violating law in 2020 following major fraud investigation.)
The erstwhile Arizona sheriff continued: “This is the best question to ask about all of this. How is it that Schmaling got involved in this case to begin with? Did he just create it out of thin air and say ‘You know what, I don’t think the commissioners were right. I’ve heard a lot of stuff from [the Trump] campaign … and a lot of people say there was criminal activity, so I’m just gonna start investigating?’ No.”
“Some people came and told him that there were improprieties at a convalescent home for the elderly and people who are invalid. Credible witnesses came to the sheriff and said ‘These crimes were committed in our county.’ And the sheriff said, ‘Okay, we will investigate and we will let you know. We will take the appropriate action that any and all sheriffs in this country should be taking under such complaints.”
“Schmaling is not saying anything political … on one side of the aisle or the other. He’s simply saying ‘Look, I was asked to investigate legitimate complaints of impropriety … [and] so here are the results of my investigation,” Bushman said.
“This is just facts, ladies and gentlemen. There’s nothing partisan in it, no agenda or politics. It’s merely [the Racine County sheriff saying:] ‘I got credible complaints [and] researched them, put all the dots on the I’s and crossed on the T’s … and now I’m submitting for review. I’m not only calling on people in my country to deal with this, but I’m also saying I believe this is a statewide concern.”
True enough, Schmaling had already recommended the filing of criminal complaints against five WEC commissioners. Aside from this, he asked Wisconsin Attorney General Joshua Kaul to conduct a statewide investigation into the WEC’s illegal election directives.
“A constitutional sheriff used the resources of the sheriff’s office to research and document this for a year. This is exactly what needs to be done to not only document the problem, but [also] broaden the scope of how widespread is this, really,” Bushman said.
Mack agreed with his co-host. “The thing of it is … there was nothing political. This was not a request from the Trump campaign or [the] Trump camp. This was a request from a local citizen who wanted the truth to be known and the investigation to be conducted,” he said.
“Not only is the sheriff going about it properly and taking the politics out of this discussion, but he’s also blown the lid off this idea that there’s no vote fraud and everybody who thinks there’s voter fraud is a whacked-out conspiracy theorist.”
Mack also told Bushman that he had conducted investigations similar to what Schmaling did back when he was still the sheriff of Graham County, Arizona. “Somebody complained about the Bureau of Land Management in my office, and I assigned it to my lead investigator. I told him to investigate it like he would any other crime. I do not care what agency commits the crime within my county – [whether] it’s a federal agency, state agency, local agency or not an agency at all. [It’s] kind of like what Thomas Paine said: ‘What difference does it make to me if he who kills me or threatens to kill me is from the government or my fellow countryman?'”
“What difference does it make? It doesn’t make any difference, and that’s what we need Washington, D.C. to learn. There’s a lot more Sheriff Schmalings in this country, and they better be toeing the line, because I believe the sheriffs are going to rise up. They’re not going to put up with the criminal activity of state and federal bureaucrats.” (Related: Sheriff Mack wants law enforcement officers to lead the way in helping America wake up and resist government overreach – Brighteon.TV.)
Watch the full Nov. 9 episode of “The Sheriff Mack Show” with Sheriff Richard Mack and Sam Bushman below. “The Sheriff Mack Show” airs every Tuesday at 10-11 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.
VoteFraud.news has more articles about the 2020 election fraud.
Sources include:
By News Editors
By News Editors
By JD Heyes
By Ramon Tomey