Wednesday, May 25, 2022 by Kevin Hughes
True the Vote founder Catherine Engelbrecht said Americans should uphold the integrity of elections if they don’t want a repeat of 2020.
“The big story around all of this is just the rampant lawlessness. If we’re not going to follow a process, if we’re not going to decide how to run an election and then run it that way and hold people accountable, then I don’t know what hope there is because it’s just an absolute free for all. It was a free for all in 2020,” Engelbrecht told hosts Jeff Pedersen and Shannon Townsend during the May 13 episode of the “Matrixxx Grooove” on Brighteon.TV.
Engelbrecht lamented the fact that many states that said they were going to have video surveillance didn’t do it. She also noted the missing standards for the chain of custody documents.
The hosts and their guest also talked about the film “2000 Mules,” which was written and directed by filmmaker-producer Dinesh D’Souza and his wife Debbie. True the Vote and Salem Media Group, Inc. are the producers of the documentary film.
Pedersen noted that Engelbrecht was involved in the making of “2000 Mules.” However, when Engelbrecht made a guest appearance on the show of Fox News host Tucker Carlson, she wasn’t allowed to talk about or even mention the documentary.
Engelbrecht told Pedersen that Carlson is doing an amazing job, but there are only a few free voices that are willing to talk about the truth. She added that the legal structure that underpins all of the regulation around what can and can’t be said is no joke and this has put people like them in a difficult spot.
The True the Vote founder pointed out that election fraud was bound to happen in 2020 with many changes in the process, including the mass mail-in ballots and privately funded drop boxes. So her organization started to find data they could use to prove that there was election fraud.
“And that’s when we got the geospatial data and began looking at cell phone patterns that were tracking frequency to drop boxes, frequency to those privately funded drop boxes. And we worked on that for over a year, didn’t talk about it publicly at all and thought that everybody would be ready to tell the story. And it turns out that that wasn’t the case. There was much more difficulty in getting the story out than we had first anticipated,” Engelbrecht said.
“And so that’s when we went to Dinesh and said, ‘Look, we think we have the makings of a movie. But what do you think?’ And the rest is history. They did take the project and built it into ‘2000 Mules.’ And we get the chance to show what we’ve been working on for the last year and a half.”
Pedersen said the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic was used to get the mail-in ballot boxes out and bring in the harvesting to stuff the ballot boxes because the Dominion algorithms couldn’t overwhelm the support for Donald Trump.
According to Engelbrecht, the ballot trafficking has exposed the communities that are being exploited by this scheme. She added they chose to use geospatial data because it is routinely used by law enforcement and federal agencies, aside from being superior to surveillance video. (Related: True the Vote’s Catherine Engelbrecht and Gregg Phillips claim US intelligence began tracking Americans after 2020 election… Geo tracking fence was set up around Capitol before Jan 6 to catch people likely to attend Trump rally [VIDEO].)
Townsend lauded Engelbrecht and True the Vote for doing a great job in revealing the truth and noted that there are already efforts to ban access to the geospatial tracking data for regular people.
Follow VoteFraud.news for more news about the 2020 election fraud.
Watch the full May 13 episode of “Matrixxx Grooove” with Jeff and Shady below. “Matrixxx Grooove” with Jeff and Shady airs every weekday from 12:00-1:00 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.
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Tagged Under: Tags: 2000 Mules, 2020 elections, big government, Brighteon.tv, Catherine Engelbrecht, conspiracy, deception, Dinesh D'Souza, Donald Trump, election fraud, fake ballots, freedom, geospatial data, Jeff Pedersen, liberty, mail-in ballot, Matrixxx Grooove, rigged, Shannon Townsend, True The Vote
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