Wednesday, June 08, 2022 by Ethan Huff
The Center for Tech and Civic Life (CTCL), a group that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg paid off to help steal the 2020 election, is once again trying to steal the 2022 midterms.
CTCL just announced the creation of what it calls the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence (USAEE), which is described as a “nonpartisan collaborative that is bringing together election officials, designers, technologists, and other experts to help local election departments improve operations, develop a set of shared standards and values, and obtain access to best-in-class resources to run successful elections.”
Over the next five years, CTCL will spend $80 million to “improve” the operations of local elections, meaning some votes (for Republicans) will mysteriously “disappear” while others (for Democrats) appear out of nowhere.
The group claims that USAEE exists simply to help make fairer elections, including by replacing equipment at polling sites. The new equipment provided will likely be rigged for easier control over election outcomes, regardless of how We the People vote.
“Those who suspect the operation is more interested in election regulation than election improvement cite two main points: First, that it was originally created by the left-wing “dark money” sponsor New Venture Fund; and second, that it played a suspicious role in the highly-contentious 2020 presidential election,” writes Calvin Freiburger for Life Site News.
Using Wisconsin as one example, emails show that CTCL disbursed hundreds of millions of dollars in that state to “protect American elections” and “bolster democracy during the [COVID-19] pandemic.” We all know how that turned out during the last election.
Of this, $1.6 million was used to make Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein of the National Vote at Home Institute a “grant mentor,” meaning he became “the de facto city elections chief” who was given “access to boxes of absentee ballots before the election.”
Spitzer-Rubenstein, it turns out, has worked for several Democrats in the past, including “fiercely liberal” former New York City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito.
Spitzer-Rubenstein was able to obtain “help” for his efforts to fix “errors” on absentee ballots. He was also given the keys to a locked room where absentee ballots were being stored “several days before the election.”
Spitzer-Rubenstein’s initial request to access these ballots was denied by Green Bay city clerk Kris Teske. However, it was quickly overridden due to pressure from the office of Democrat Mayor Eric Genrich, who ended up resigning.
“As you know I am very frustrated, along with the Clerk’s Office,” Teske wrote to Green Bay Finance Director Diana Ellenbecker.
“I don’t know what to do anymore. I am trying to explain the process but it isn’t heard. I don’t feel I can talk to the Mayor after the last meeting you, me, Celestine, and the Mayor had even though the door is supposedly open. I don’t understand how people who don’t have knowledge of the process can tell us how to manage the election.”
At the time, Wisconsin Spotlight’s M.D. Kittle wrote that Wisconsin law provisions that municipal clerks, in that case Teske, are in charge of administering elections, not random left-wing activists like Spitzer-Rubenstein.
Wisconsin Voters Alliance and Thomas More Society attorney Erick Kaardal “said CTCL’s election security funding came with conditions that bound the city to give these left-leaning actors power they could not legally take.”
“The mayor and his team, as well as the city council, had no legal right to limit the clerk’s role in the elections, or take them over,” Kaardal added.
Last month, Thomas More Society attorneys filed a complaint accusing Madison, Wisconsin Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and Madison City Clerk Maribeth Witzel-Behl of bribery for accepting similar money from CTCL for similar purposes.”
More related news about election fraud can be found at VoteFraud.com.
Sources for this article include:
By Ethan Huff
By News Editors
By News Editors