Friday, November 04, 2022 by Belle Carter
Utah-based activists Jennifer Orten and Sophie Anderson, known as the “Two Red Pills,” called on Americans to be on alert during the midterm elections.
The two talked about their lawsuit asking for the “cast vote records” in two Utah counties from the 2020 presidential elections during their appearance on the Brighteon.TV program “Connecting The Dots.” They argued that they should be made available since state law does not explicitly protect those records.
During an interview with “Sentinel Report” host Alex Newman at the Moment of Truth Summit, Orten and Andertson pointed out that the vote counting machines cannot be trusted. While a judge may have tossed the lawsuit, Orten and Anderson believe they were able to ignite something in people and use their case as a template for future reference. (Related: Two Utah moms file open records requests on election records – State Lt. Gov. tips off reporter, blocks them from access, and Feds are called in.)
“Everything trickles down from elections. If we don’t have free and fair elections, we can’t fight the other issues,” Anderson remarked at the same event.
Meanwhile, Orten urged Americans watching the Brighteon.TV program hosted by Dan Happel to be alert or become poll workers to watch firsthand what is going on during the elections.
“Do not consider any other option unless you’re in the hospital or out of the country. We are begging you to keep your mail-in ballot sealed. Bring it with you and don’t show it to them. And if you get to the voting place and they say you’ve already voted, call your sheriff immediately for a voter fraud claim.”
Happel himself commended the “Two Red Pills” for standing up against the tyrannical actions of the Beehive State.
Orten, however, divulged that her efforts came with serious repercussions. She told Happel how she received threats of lawsuits for simply requesting public records. Days later, there were men on her porch who tinkered with her internet box and planted trackers on her vehicle.
“That kind of intimidation or that kind of threat, wherever it’s coming from, it doesn’t matter if it’s an alphabet agency,” she said. “Whoever is doing these types of things, we can’t let them win.”
Orten and Anderson also shared to Happel the fight against their school board to invalidate Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) mask mandates. They submitted public records requests to the state government in Salt Lake City to find out why the children are being masked. The Two Red Pills also sought the reason why the government is interested in “muzzling” school children, considering the reports of the harm and the inefficiency of the protocol.
“We learned that our governor and state superintendent of the school board had signed an agreement with the federal government to receive over $94 million of SR funds. These are federal funds given to states to ‘recuperate’ from COVID-19 and public education,” explained Anderson.
She continued that they acquired contracts, emails, texts and communications that can help explain why the children were being muzzled. She also pointed out that just for the public records request, the state charged them $10,000.
Orten added that what happened was not just about the medical situation, but rather promoting woke ideologies to children.
“Our governor here [Utah Gov. Spencer Cox] is the only Republican who actually uses his pronouns on social media. TIME magazine said he was the only GOP governor who’s not afraid to be woke,” she said. “He signed the contract to have these conditions exist all the way through for three years.”
Because of their efforts, the county council overturned the mask mandate. “That’s a big win for the county, but it’s a bigger win for the state because people do what Salt Lake County does,” she claimed.
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Watch the full Oct. 25 episode of “Connecting The Dots” below. Catch new episodes of the program every Tuesday at 5-6 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.
Mask Nazi tells unmasked man: I hope your children die because they don’t have masks on.
Tagged Under: Tags: activism, badhealth, badmedicine, badscience, big government, Brighteon.tv, collapse, Connecting the Dots, conspiracy, covid-19, Dan Happel, deception, democrats, election fraud, elections, left cult, local government, mask mandate, Medical Tyranny, medicla martial law, politics, Republicans, rigged, Two Red Pills, tyranny
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