Monday, April 17, 2023 by S.D. Wells
As if it is not bad enough that communists are running the country, if something is not done to secure the next POTUS election, nothing will change. Fortunately, there is a blueprint plan for removing Beijing Biden and his CCP cohorts from power, and it’s legal and patriotic in its entirety. All America needs in 2024 to put a President in charge who actually cares about America is a secure and accurate election. This can be done by using the blueprint plan that Governor Ron DeSantis put in place for Florida by signing and implementing Senate Bill (SB) 524, if every state in the union follows suit.
What America needs is a major overhaul of election integrity. Everybody is well-aware that the Democrats cheated in 2020 in every voting realm that exists. Even the Democrats know this. Dead people voted from their graves. Illegal immigrants voted from their apartments and homeless shelters. The CCP voted with illegitimate ballots created that voted only for Biden, with incorrect signatures. Dominion voting machines flipped votes by the thousands for Beijing Biden. Poll workers pulled suitcases full of illegal votes out from under their desks after the polls closed and Republican poll watchers were kicked out due to “Covid safety” protocol. It was insane, and it really happened, especially in the swing states.
To combat all of this, Governor Ron DeSantis ensured Florida had and will have secure and accurate elections. He has signed legislation that requires voter rolls to be reviewed every year and updated. He has made stronger ID requirements to catch illegal voters red-handed, or deter them from even attempting fraud. DeSantis has established the Office of Election Crimes and Security to investigate election fraud at all levels, while increasing penalties for those who commit fraud and violate election laws. Check out the 5 key steps outlined below for SB 524, and imagine if this is implemented NATIONWIDE for 2024.
Governor Ron DeSantis is on the record saying, “Twenty years ago, nobody thought Florida was a prime example of how to conduct elections, but we have become a national leader by running the most secure elections in the country,” … “We need to do more to ensure our elections remain secure. We have ended ballot harvesting, stopped drop boxes and the mass mailing of ballots, and banned Zuckerbucks, and this bill will give us more resources to make sure bad actors are held accountable.”
We need modernized equipment to secure votes and stronger cyber defenses, where voter data can’t be uploaded to the Chinese Communist Party for manipulation. Everyone knows that Beijing Biden did not pull 80 million votes. We all saw his sad little rallies during his campaign, where the only attendees were paid publicists who sat in sad little circles that were social distanced for fake protection from the Wuhan-Fauci Flu.
DeSantis won Florida by a landslide, as Trump would have won the US Presidency, had there been no lying, cheating, and stealing during and after the election. People need to be afraid of getting caught trying to rob an election, like they are afraid of robbing a bank. That is the greatest deterrent.
Drop boxes need to be abolished, or at least their numbers and locations limited and watched carefully by security guards and video surveillance. They must also be locked up and closed by 7pm, like the voting polls, to prevent all this overnight fraud from the 2,000 mules that helped Beijing Biden and Crooked Kamala steal the vote.
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Tagged Under: Tags: Beijing Biden, big government, conspiracy, corruption, deception, deep state, DeSantis, election crimes, election integrity, elections, facism, fair elections, fake polls, Joe Biden, national security, rigged, Trump, vote fraud, voter fraud, White House
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