Monday, December 18, 2023 by Cassie B.
A shocking new survey reveals that one fifth of people who voted in the 2020 elections admit to taking advantage of looser election laws to commit vote fraud.
In the Heartland Institute/Rasmussen Reports survey, roughly 20 percent of people who voted in 2020 admit to cheating. Some of the illegal voting acts that people confessed to included filling out ballots for others, allowing someone else to fill out their mail-in ballot, and voting in states where they do not reside.
While this amounts to an already shocking one out of five voters, it stands to reason that the real number is actually much higher as many people may not have been willing to admit to those conducting the survey that they carried out these shameful acts.
When it comes to specific actions, 21 percent of voters who used mail-in or absentee ballots say that they filled out someone else’s ballot, while 19 percent said that someone else filled out their ballot. Seventeen percent of mail-in voters admitted to casting ballots in states in which they no longer permanently reside. In addition, 11 percent of respondents said that a coworker, family member, friend or other acquaintance admitted to them that they filled out another person’s ballot in 2020.
Meanwhile, eight percent of respondents said that they were offered some type of reward or payment for voting in 2020, which is a felony.
The Election Assistance Commission reports that a record-setting 43 percent of voters chose to vote by mail in 2020. In previous elections, that figure was closer to 25 percent.
Of course, it seems likely that other illegal voting behavior that was not covered by the survey took place in 2020, including voting in multiple polling places, filling out ballots for family members without telling them, and stealing mail-in ballots.
In the 2020 elections, pandemic measures and concerns meant that election rules were not enforced to the usual extent, particularly when it comes to mail-in ballots. Some states also permitted the practice of vote bundling. While these changes were initially pitched as ways to help make voting easier for Americans who wanted to avoid exposure to the virus, Democrats have been accused of taking advantage of these laws to tip the election in favor of Joe Biden.
The director of the Heartland Institute Socialism Research Center, Justin Haskins, stated: “For the past three years, Americans have repeatedly been told that the 2020 election was the most secure in history. But if this poll’s findings are reflective of reality, the exact opposite is true. This conclusion isn’t based on conspiracy theories or suspect evidence, but rather from the responses made directly by the voters themselves.”
The poll was sponsored by the Heartland Institute and took place between November 30 and December 6. It involved more than 1000 American voters.
The voters polled were nearly evenly split when it comes to which candidate they supported, with 46 percent of those surveyed saying that they voted for Biden and 45 percent saying they voted for Trump.
There was also a good mix of party affiliations among the respondents, with 36 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans and 31 percent identifying as “other.” When it comes to ages, 32 percent were in the 18 to 39-year-old-range, while 46 percent were aged 40 to 64 and 22 percent were 65 and older.
Mail-in and absentee voting is a notorious source of voter fraud, and many people feared that this exact outcome would occur when the rules were loosened in 2020. Even though many of the pandemic precautions are now a thing of the past, it won’t be surprising to see more of the same behavior in the next election since it worked out so well for the Democrats in charge last time around.
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Tagged Under: Tags: 2020 election, absentee ballots, conspiracy, deception, elections, fake polls, faked, Joe Biden, lies, mail-in ballots, real investigations, rigged, survey, vote fraud
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