Thursday, September 05, 2024 by S.D. Wells
Democrats call it “Planned Parenthood,” but it really means planned childless future. Nearly all Democrats and Liberals pretend that all Conservatives are against women’s health rights and their right to choose what to do with their own body, but nothing is further from the truth. When it comes to abortions, no woman would want to keep a baby that is created from a rape incident or incest, and common sense would tell you that everyone agrees on that. The big difference in “opinion” is when it comes to the child’s right to live, especially when that child is a fetus in the third term of pregnancy, or even on its day of birth.
Let’s dig into this highly sensitive realm of the right-to-live. Should the Kommie Harris Nazi Walz DUO win (steal) the election in November, expect a mad rush of legislation pushing women to abort their children in the third term and on the day of birth, for the “greater good,” which means population reductionism. This is a major platform for the Democrats and it is government aggression of the worst kind.
It’s undercover genocide, it’s racist and it’s planned out very well. In fact, the founder of Planned Parenthood (PP), Margaret Sanger, hated blacks and called them human weeds, speaking of reducing their numbers significantly through abortion clinics in the inner cities. Planned Parenthood was originally called the “American Birth Control League” one century ago when it was founded. Today, their budget exceeds $1 billion, helping them execute 300,000 unborn babies each year.
These days, it’s becoming popular to use chemicals to kill the fetus, and this horrific method is becoming more readily available, thanks to the Democrats and the Liberal extremists at the FDA.
The numbers of U.S. abortions have increased in 2024 by as much as 25 percent, totaling about 100,000 per quarter. Billionaire extinctionist Bill Gates, an extreme advocate of reducing the population by billions of humans over the next decade or so, speaks openly about funding genocide through “healthcare” (meaning abortions) and (deadly) vaccinations. Don’t be surprised if he starts funding chemical abortions (a.k.a. abortion pills) with billions of dollars soon, helping the Harris/Walz Communist DUO reduce the population of Americans, while increasing illegal immigrants by the tens of millions annually.
The abortion pill is a new weapon of genocide for Big Pharma and the Democrats. Add it to the spontaneous-abortion-causing mRNA spike prion injections and the kill-your-baby-anytime PP clinics (also used for black market baby organ trafficking), and you’ve got what might be deemed “drive through baby genocide” in America. Maybe next Planned Parenthood will literally have a drive through window, like fast food joints, where pregnant women can just pull up in their vehicle, show their vaccine passport, and get a pill or gene therapy jab, and voila!
Remember, Conservatives and Republicans are NOT against women having personal medical choice and freedoms. In fact, during the plandemic, the Democrats led the charge to TAKE AWAY everyone’s rights to medical choice with vaccine mandates, mask mandates and hospital protocols for Covid that ended up killing people (think Remdesivir and ventilators). Don’t let the pro-life vs. “anti-life” debate cloud your thinking about the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Fetus lives matter too, and babies living in the womb should have rights also.
Tune your internet dial to NaturalMedicine.news for more tips on how to use natural remedies for preventative medicine and for taking care of infants, children, teens and everyone else, without all the risks that Big Pharma wants you to take.
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Tagged Under: Tags: abortion, abortion genocide, abortion pill, abortion push, bias, bill gates, chemical abortion, democrat genocide, depopulation, genocide, harris walz, left cult, Margaret Sanger, Planned Parenthood
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