Tuesday, October 29, 2024 by S.D. Wells
Imagine for a moment if you videotaped a bank robber leaving the bank with sacks of money, after robbing the tellers at gunpoint, but then you got arrested, not the thief, for “illegally videotaping” on bank property under some new “Bank Rights Act.” Or what if you saw someone hand the teller at the bank counterfeit hundred-dollar bills, and you reported it to the authorities, who then arrested YOU for reporting it? What kind of nation would this be, what kind of backwards, warped legal system would do this to people who are trying to live a just life, and report crimes and criminal activity?
Well, guess what? That’s exactly what’s happening in the USA right now, right before the most important election ever, thanks to Biden’s weaponized Justice Department and the “Voting Rights Act” that is protecting voter fraud and persecuting anyone who reports illegal ballots being used. Yes, it is a FEDERAL CRIME to prevent illegal voting ballots in presidential elections, according to the communist Democrat insurgents (politicians) occupying the White House right now.
Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin should be President of the United States because he is fighting the best fight to preserve fair and just elections in this country. The whole nation should follow suit with what he is doing right now in Virginia, but the crooks and cronies in Washington DC, led by Communist-loving Democrats and psychopathic globalists, want every illegal immigrant they imported on purpose to vote in the upcoming elections, and vote for more free stuff and less human rights and liberty, under the “Democrat” Party’s umbrella of Marxism.
Gov. Youngkin of Virginia says the Democrats are attacking the cornerstone of our democracy and are functioning in desperation to “attack the legitimacy of the elections” in Virginia, among many other states of the union. The Department of Injustice wants the Democrats to be able to cheat their way to victory, and it’s never been more obvious than their recent attempts to sue the state of Virginia for trying to expose their fraud. It’s like cops arresting someone or the courts’ prosecutors suing someone who is pointing out the criminals and their crimes.
The Democrats are at war with honest voting, and they are showing it firsthand, right out in the open. Their voter base doesn’t care because they’re all suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome, where your brain is so warped that you are willing to cheat, lie, steal and vote for communism instead of Orange Man Bad.
Without a pandemic (scamdemic) running on high, the Democrats are in desperation to get illegal votes from any source they can find, and illegal immigrants have flooded America’s states by the tens of millions, providing enough votes, the Democrats hope, to help Kommie Kamala surpass Trump’s massive support.
Every time anyone reveals voter fraud being committed by the Left, they scream that the Right is trying to “suppress the vote” and “intimidate voters” at the polls, or drop boxes, or on social media, or wherever. All of these election ballots should have watermarks and serial numbers, just like cash money. This would prevent a majority of voter fraud across the board, and then just eliminate all these hackable, fixable machines that keep flipping votes.
So make sure you don’t commit “bank robber intimidation” by filming someone robbing a bank, or “serial killer suppression” by reporting to police an illegal immigrant gang member shooting and stabbing Americans in the street.
Tune your apocalypse dial to Preparedness.news for updates on real news about surviving the Democrat-led government aggression, lies and propaganda that comes at us every day now, especially at election time.
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Tagged Under: Tags: big government, cancel Democrats, conspiracy, corruption, election, election cheat, election fraud, fair election, fake polls, freedom, insanity, liberty, national security, rigged, stupid, traitors, treason, vote fraud, Vote Republican, voter intimidation, Voter rights, voter suppression, voting rights, White House
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