Friday, August 23, 2024 by S.D. Wells
America was founded on certain principles and natural rights. The Founding Fathers understood the value of the pursuit of happiness and incorporated it into the Declaration of Independence. This “pursuit” was about lifelong virtue, not short-term pleasure. Today, in the USA, corporations have a stranglehold on most small-to-medium-sized businesses, and the ones still standing are about to be completely “choked out” of the American dream, should the November elections spiral downward (towards Hell and Communism).
Once perfectly healthy people are suffering from myocarditis and pericarditis, thanks to the Covid clot shots. Even Olympic athletes are having trouble competing after being force injected with the Covid gene-therapy injections. Trillions of spike proteins are wrecking people’s health, which obliterates their dreams of enjoying a family, a career, a home and retirement. Fauci, Biden and the CDC (Corrupt Disease Central) made sure more than 80 percent of Americans got mRNA deadly injections, for fear of losing their job, education, reputation, licensing, funding and so many other rights that should have never been threatened.
Without proper checks and balances, Big Government gets out of control, and the nation turns into one huge Police State. Should the Democrats get away with their massive vote-rigging schemes again this November, it’s possible that they take complete control of the House, the Senate and the White House. This would be absolutely disastrous and ensure that Communism is the rule of the land, from shore to shore.
If you have a dream of a wonderful education, a beautiful family, owning your own great home, pursuing your favorite goals, career, hobbies, arts, music and religion, then you should carefully consider your votes come November, and help ensure your vote is counted properly. Keep the Constitution intact, as the Founders Fathers would all advise you today, if they were here to debate it on live television or the internet.
#1. Entrepreneurship & running your own small business – this will be completely crushed by Marxist economics that strangle private businesses while empowering evil monopolistic corporations.
#2. Biological Women winning Olympic medals – in events that involve speed, strength & agility – because biological males will just wear some lipstick and beat them all down.
#3. Votes & Taxes that Matter – when trying to help support the accountability of a democratic society and maintain and improve the infrastructure of the homeland.
#4. Freedom of Press and Speech – ability to write and speak your mind through books, articles, podcasts, websites, YouTube, social media and so forth.
#5. Valuable Education – attending public schools and colleges that actually teach valuable information that help students become well-rounded learners who establish promising careers as adults.
#6. Traveling and Walking the Streets of U.S. Cities – without worrying about being attacked, robbed, assaulted, kidnapped, raped, trafficked and killed by criminals the Democrats let out of prison early, never convicted for previous violent crimes, or allowed to enter the country as illegal immigrants with no vetting.
#7. Becoming a Doctor, Psychologist, Surgeon, Dentist, Nurse, or Therapist – without having to enforce deadly medications and genocidal vaccinations that the Medical Industrial Complex turns into mandatory protocol.
#8. Peaceful Debating, Protesting, and Criticizing the Government (including performing comedy, writing editorials and boycotting businesses) – without getting banned, bankrupted, sued, censored, attacked, imprisoned, persecuted, prosecuted, labeled a “domestic terrorist,” suicided or assassinated.
#9. Retiring with assets and financial security – the Communists want “equity for all” which means forfeiting all assets, including land, homes, retirement money, 401k, gold and private businesses (zero wealth accumulation allowed under Marxist rule).
#10. Enjoying sports, entertainment and leisure activities – because they cost way too much, are flooded with woke insanity and are all “sponsored” by BLM and Antifa.
Also, don’t expect to have fresh air to breathe, clean food to eat or potable water to drink, as the DC communists wreck all farms, water systems and pollute the atmosphere with “climate change” chemical warfare sprayed across the skies.
Tune your internet dial to Gender.news for updates on extreme liberals ruining the American dream for a few hundred million people. #StopAmericanCommunism.
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Tagged Under: Tags: american dream, big government, cancel Democrats, collapse, communism, elections, fake polls, First Amendment, free press, free speech, freedom, identity politics, liberty, Marxism, rigged, social justice, speech police, thought police, tyranny, vote fraud, Vote Republican, White House, woke mob, wokies
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