Friday, August 23, 2024 by News Editors
SOTN Editor’s Note: The following breakdown of the Uniparty’s five point plan to steal the election from Trump is as accurate as it gets. As a matter of fact, each of the stealthy strategies delineated below has been in progress over much of the 2024 election cycle. It’s like after the Democrat Party stole the last election, they really feel this one will be a cinch by using the same playbook.
(Article republished from StateOfTheNation.co)
However, something is majorly different this time around. Many more voters throughout the American electorate are starkly aware of the lengths to which Deep State will go to in order to win fraudulently. And, a vast majority of those voters will not permit a repeat of 2020 as they know that a Kamala Harris presidency is the final nail in the coffin for the American Republic.
KEY POINT: That the 2020 POTUS election was outright stolen has been conclusively proven using multiple scientific methods. What follows is just one statistical analysis which confirms that brazen and reckless election theft: The 22 Counties That Prove Joe Biden Stole the 2020 Election
The Right is also well aware that the entire establishment is dead-set against a Trump victory. Which means that every major organ of the U.S. Federal Government will be weaponized to both ensure the election is stolen and a successful cover-up is executed. This also means that the U.S. Intelligence Community is working in close coordination with the CIA-directed Mainstream Media as they always do. Nevertheless, these hopelessly corrupt institutions risk complete and permanent loss of all legitimacy this time around which is a huge sacrifice to make when running a constitutional republic with a democratic election system. For very few folks on the Right will ever vote again, which will severely undermine their whole god-forsaken BEAST system.
In light of these commonly known circumstances, the MAGA Movement, Patriot Movement, Truth Movement, etc. are getting ready to monitor every aspect of the electoral process that can be watched for fraud and other improprieties. The most important ballot initiative that they are taking is the widespread implementation of highly organized exit polling by conservative attorneys, especially throughout the 7 primary swing states which are key to a victory for both candidates.
In point of fact, every institutional poll watcher knows that exit polls don’t lie so if the Democrats prematurely claim any state victory as they routinely do, they’ll have to explain the results of the exit polls heavily favoring Trump. Nevertheless, the Democrats are hellbent on stealing this most important election in U.S. history, which means that the American people are about to experience the final turning of the screw of THE FOURTH TURNING.
KEY POINT: The Republican Party, including President Trump, has done absolutely nothing to fix the U.S. election system or any part of the electoral apparatus in any of the 50 states. In point of fact, the GOP leadership has both enabled and collaborated in maintaining this system that is rife with fraud and corruption. See: PROOF: The traitorous RNC and treacherous Congressional RINO leadership enabled the Democrat’s election thefts in 2020 and 2022.
Until the historic 2020 election theft, which
was pulled off by a highly organized criminal
conspiracy involving the ever-treasonous U.S. Intelligence Community, countless Democrat
fraudsters, perfidious RINO co-conspirators,
ruthless Uniparty overlords, traitorous Deep
State thieves, insidious NWO globalist interlopers, faceless foreign cyber-criminals and their
evil Khazarian masters, is fully investigated and
prosecuted, no election on U.S. soil can, or will,
ever be trusted again.
State of the Nation
August 23, 2024
N.B. The following breakdown of the Democrat’s election theft playbook covers all their main strategies and primary tactics quite well.
Read more at: StateOfTheNation.co
Tagged Under: Tags: big government, cancel Democrats, conspiracy, corruption, current events, deception, deep state, Donald Trump, elections, fake polls, insanity, Kamala Harris, lies, politics, propaganda, rigged, traitors, treason, vote fraud, Vote Republican, White House, Xpost
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