Friday, August 30, 2024 by Ethan Huff
Election Day is just a few short months away, which means the time has once again come for government authorities and the media to start their fearmongering campaign about the latest “election virus” to hit the streets: West Nile Virus.
End of August and early September is usually when mosquito populations really start to explode across the more humid areas of country, including in New York City where city officials have begun “spraying” the streets with chemicals as mitigation.
Thanks to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “pandemic,” some cities and towns are even launching “voluntary” curfews and lockdown orders as a way to try to mitigate the perceived threat of West Nile Virus.
The town of Plymouth in Massachusetts, for instance, posted a notice that its jurisdiction is at high risk for the spread of mosquito-borne diseases like West Nile. As such, residents and visitors are being told to stay home after dark in order to stay safe.
West Nile Virus has now been reported in 33 states across the U.S., and yes, that number 33 makes another appearance.
In response, outdoor public areas have been shut down, and “voluntary” curfews are in place.
The government is planning to “spray” the city to address the… pic.twitter.com/B8hhgxLW9H
— Shadow of Ezra (@ShadowofEzra) August 26, 2024
(Related: The powers that be have been talking about unleashing a second “pandemic,” complete with NATO police forces mandating global vaccination.)
With monkeypox (mpox) also making headlines, it would seem as though the race is on to see which election virus sticks as the one to upend normal voting day procedures and turn it into another COVID-like mass hysteria event to provide cover for the election thieves to do their thing.
The media is still talking about the latest “strains” of COVID, too, with the FDA having just approved yet another “vaccine” for the dreaded virus. So we are witnessing the emergence of a potentially fate-altering trio of viruses taking center stage as Election Day approaches.
As for West Nile Virus, the claim is that 33 states – 33 is a powerful number in the occult – are now threatened by its spread. Is this true or is it simply a code meant to deceive the world as the string-pullers angle the country towards destruction?
There is actually a fourth virus the media is talking about that is also said to be a threat: eastern equine encephalitis, or EEE. A handful of towns across Massachusetts have imposed “voluntary” lockdowns to address that alleged “threat.”
“The desperation continues,” wrote someone on X about all this virus and disease fearmongering. “They have to stop people from going out to vote come November.”
Another brought up the fact that billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates released genetically modified (GMO) mosquitos into the natural environment on several occasions over the years. Could this new West Nile Virus scare be a product of all that?
Where there’s a pandemic, there’s Bill Gates. pic.twitter.com/kXo2a4fpu5
— Campbell Connolly (@Campbell2976) August 26, 2024
“Voluntary curfews until mandatory curfews,” wrote another about how this all sounds a whole lot like that “two weeks to flatten the curve” line that was dished up during COVID, only to then become several years of lockdown and mask mandate hell.
“How many viruses will there be in November?” asked another, clearly referencing the upcoming election.
“I wonder if citric acid mixed with chlorine dioxide knocks this out,” wrote another, suggesting that if West Nile Virus really is a threat that there is an easy, natural way to remedy it. “It is used to treat malaria as well.”
Will Election Day arrive without a hitch or will the powers that be successfully pull off another COVID-like disease scare to try to change the course of history? Find out more at Rigged.news.
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Tagged Under: Tags: big government, conspiracy, corruption, COVID, deception, deep state, eastern equine encephalitis, election, fake polls, faked, infections, insanity, lies, media fact watch, monkeypox, mosquito, mpox, national security, outbreak, pandemic, plague, propaganda, rigged, twisted, virus, vote fraud, West Nile
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