Monday, September 02, 2024 by S.D. Wells
High-profile Democrats love big walls around where they live, in their massive mansions worth millions of dollars, because the walls protect them from strangers who may want to rob them, assault them or traffic their children or grandchildren. These same top-level Democrat politicians spend tax-payer money to have lots of secret service protection everywhere they go, for all those same reasons. They worship their own wealth and safety, but they despise the very nation they live in.
There’s proof in this accusation because they refuse to erect walls at the border and pay for proper security guards to keep out intruders, many of whom deal lethal drugs (think fentanyl, cocaine and heroin), traffic humans including children, assault, rob and rape Americans, take our jobs by working for much less (and for cash), and wash Conservative votes by voting (though they shouldn’t) themselves for more free Democrat handouts, amnesty and slaps on the wrist for committing crimes.
The bottom line is that the Democrat politicians in Washington DC right now, running the country into the ground, are complete and utter hypocrites, and will say anything to stay in power, including that they plan on rebuilding the Trump border wall that they tore down and sold for pennies on the dollar.
Well, looks who’s xenophobic now. Can you call someone racist who’s half black and half Asian, or is that illegal in America? Does Kamilla the Hun hate Hispanics and South Americans? Why would she speak about building a wall that she already said was a complete waste of money, a stupid idea, and completely un-American? Well, because she wants to win an unwinnable election, that’s why.
After helping Resident Biden let tens of millions of illegal immigrants wander right into America, and thus completely failing at the one job she was assigned to do for the past 4 years, now she’s flip-flopping and saying she plans to do everything Trump says he’s going to do and was doing during his term. This is the same woman who is an anti-2nd Amendment extremist who wants to take away Americans’ guns so none of us can defend ourselves against the violent immigrant gangs, thieves, rapists and murderers she has let into the country.
Recently, at the Democrat National Convention, Kommie Harris claimed she will sign a border security bill to continue building Trump’s border wall. Wait, what? Harris helped SHUT DOWN the U.S. government when she argued about how stupid the wall strategy was in 2019, but then most Democrats can’t remember what they stood for yesterday, so there’s that.
So much for national emergencies being addressed under a communist dictator’s rule. She would rather spend billions on CRT, DEI and tranny boots (high heels) on the ground in proxy wars. She even has women being involuntarily signed up for a possible draft for a US-NATO instigated World War in 2025.
The biggest xenophobe in the world is Commie Kommie right now, whose net worth is about 8 million dollars, and who claims to be afraid of dark-skinned folks walking into our country to live the American dream. So much for equity and the redistribution of America’s wealth to the poor and needy, huh? Will we still all “end up at the same place” with a “xenophobic” wall constructed across the U.S. border?
Tune your apocalypse dial to Preparedness.news for updates on real news about the Trump border wall and securing the nation from the Democrat-Communist-funded invasion of criminals, mental cases and terrorists from around the world. Thanks a lot “Border Czar.” #KommieHarrisWillLose.
Sources for this article include:
By Laura Harris
By S.D. Wells
By Zoey Sky
By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff